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Embracing the Divine Masculine
Inner Exploration and Your Expanding Self-Awareness
Lesson 1 Inner Exploration and Your Expanding Self-Awareness
Inner Exploration and The Divine Masculine
Lesson 2 Inner Exploration and The Divine Masculine
Inner Exploration and Your Masculine Attributes
Lesson 3 Inner Exploration and Your Masculine Attributes
Inner Exploration and Evolving the Masculine Within
Lesson 4 Inner Exploration and Evolving the Masculine Within
Embrace and Evolve the Shadow Self
Lesson 5 Embrace and Evolve the Shadow Self
New Lecture
Shadow Emotions and Relationships
Lesson 6 Shadow Emotions and Relationships
An Example of Shadow Emotions
Lesson 7 Jealousy - An Example of Shadow Emotions
Inner Exploration, Fun, and Play
Lesson 8 Inner Exploration, Fun, and Play
Self-Love Transitions
Lesson 9 Self-Love Transitions
Support for Transitions
Lesson 10 Support for Transitions
Transitions - What do YOU really want?
Lesson 11 Transitions -What do YOU really want?
Transitions, Relaxing, and Shifting Focus as needed
Lesson 12 Transitions, Relaxing, and Shifting Focus as needed
Lesson 12 Transitions, Relaxing, and Shifting Focus as needed
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